Perched atop Nob Hill,
Grace Cathedral towers over San Francisco in all its stunning
Gothic glory. I would never venture to guess what
Lewis Hobart was thinking as he designed this grand, ornate
structure, but I am sure its
purpose as a house of worship was the main focus for those who
commissioned him.
The reality of Grace Cathedral today is that it is seen in many
different ways by those who go there for varied reasons. For some it is a place to meditate as they walk the
labyrinth. For others it is a place to walk a dog. For
the children at the parish school it is a place to learn and
play. For many it is a place to exercise. For me
Grace Cathedral, particularly the courtyard, has been an oasis of
quiet calm in an otherwise hectic city.
As I have mounted its steps and meandered through its open spaces,
I have come to overlook the grandeur that is so obvious to find
overwhelming simplicity. As I approached this project it
immediately struck me how much concrete I was surrounded by, and I
have been amazed at how something so common and ordinary could be
fashioned into something so extraordinary.
here to enter the Structured Grace Gallery